In a recent case, the Delhi High Court allowed time to furnish details asked by the proper officer, as the failure to do the same caused a delay in disposing application for GST Cancellation timelys. M/S JVN Traders Pvt Ltd, the Petitioner sought to give direction to the respondent to allow the application of the petitioner seeking cancellation of its GST registration.
Counsel for the petitioner submitted that the petitioner has closed his business and has applied for cancellation of registration on 22.01.2024, however, the application has till date, not been disposed of. On the other hand, the counsel for the respondent submitted that certain clarifications were sought from the petitioner, as well as the address for future communication. Counsel for the petitioner submitted that the details have already been provided, however without prejudice, the details shall be provided within one week as sought by the respondent by communication dated 21.04.2024.
A division bench of Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva and Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav disposed of the writ petition by permitting the petitioner to furnish the details as sought by the proper officer by letter. The details be provided within one week and the proper officer shall thereafter decide the application of the petitioner in accordance with law within a period of four weeks from today.